Dorm MovingFrom a party announcement flyer:
BAKER SAYS: DON'T READ THIS Late one night a year ago seven bored Harvey Mudders came up with an idea to inflict themselves and their audacity on the geography of Claremont. Their idea: move a dorm. Now people have moved signs, sculptures, cars, and dorm rooms, but never a whole dorm. Dorms are buildings. They weigh millions of dollars. They just don't slide around. But these guys were clever. They figured they would move it before it was built, so when it did show up it would be pre-moved. Clever, huh? Anyway, they put on their ski masks and calculators and moved these four stakes (stakes are like dorm seeds, you plant them in the ground and over the next eight ten months this building grows where the stakes are). Some people say they moved the stakes a little more than they should of, but HEY... what's a couple of inches between friends? In celebration of this historic event, Seventh Hall is throwing a FREE PARTY. So you're all invited to come over and get displaced with us tonight at 9. See you then. (7th Hall 1st Anniv. Dorm Moving Party, Friday 10-25-85 9pm -> 5CID Required) One, very funny. Two, cronicles a prank where the surveyor stakes were moved prior to dorm construction.
Three, mentions Case dorm as
Four, ahh, the days when we could be trusted to drink (relatively) responsibly before the liquor Gestapo descended upon the five college campus.
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