
Eudora is a great e-mail package. I've been using it since the 1.0 stage when Steve Dorner was developing it for free on its own.

Eudora Visual QuickStart Guide News & Tips

A really great feature is the ability to change Eudora's settings from an e-mail message. (This feature may be limited to the Mac version of Eudora.) The message doesn't change the settings, but if you click on a link in the message, it pops up a box that allows you to modify the setting. You can get a great summary of the settings by sending an email to <>

<x-eudora-setting:11520=120> Set Eudora to auto-save every two minutes
<x-eudora-setting:258=y> Enable Eudora to open Web browser windows in the background when you Command-click a Web URL within an email message
<x-eudora-setting:10=R*ch> Four-character creator code for the application that the Finder will use to open text files that Eudora saves. I like to save the files as BBEdit documents (as opposed to the default SimpleText documents that are limited to 32k)
<x-eudora-setting:8010> Number of pixels to leave uncovered on the bottom of the screen when creating a new window.
I have this set to 45 in Mac OS X to allow room for the OS X Dock. This setting would vary depending on the Dock Size setting in your System Preferences.

I'm playing around with the Mac OS X beta version of Eudora, and here are some settings I am playing with and just want to record what they are.

<x-eudora-setting:353=y> Disable inline display of PDF images
<x-eudora-setting:266> This determines where mailboxes opened by mail checks go. 0-above topmost non-comp window, 1-on top, 2-behind In, 3-behind current mailbox, 4-rearmost, 5-second.
This setting doesn't work in Mac OS X very well at the 5.1beta16 version.
<x-eudora-setting:298=y> When checked, Eudora will download HTML graphics itself instead of using URL Access.
If you are having problems downloading HTML graphics, try double-clicking this. URL Access in Mac OS X 10.1.2 is broken (Hint from the 5.1 beta 20 (Carbon, I think) Release notes)

Down here I'm playing with how to click on a link and open an e-mail document with the Eudora setting in the body so you can click on it and set the setting.









Keyboard Shortcuts

cmd-opt-TConvert to Plain Text

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Created and maintained by Jeff Shepherd
This page created: 12/1/00 jks, updated: 1/31/02, rendered: 9/8/06
using Radio UserLand, BBEdit, CSS and HTML 4.01 on a Macintosh