These pages are terribly outdated and many of the links defunct. I'm in the process of recreating them, but no ETA when ShepWeb will be reborn.
These items are either what I think are cool or are a collection of cool places from other sources. Here are some highlights off the web.
These sites were voted tops in their class by the internet community. Unfortunately, the voting process in many is not well explained and you might wonder who (for instance) the "host of celebrity judges" actually were. Nonetheless, they are still great sites.
- NII Awards Server
- "The winners of the NII Awards represent real-life benefits delivered through the NII and give us an encouraging look at what is possible in the future." Well documented description of the sites, what they provide, and why they got the award. [ Arts & Entertainment | Business | Community | Education | Government | Health ]
- Best of the Web
- The BoWeb `94 awards were a one-man project. This year Brandon Plewe has realized he can't produce BoWeb `95 alone. On temporary hiatus until more support comes.
- Cool Site of the Year
- Winner: The Spot
Runners-up: [ David Siegel's Home Page | Mr. Showbiz | Rocktropolis | The Crash Site ]
- The Liptonice Cube Awards
- Best of: [ Music | Graphics | Commercial | Europe | FAQ | Cool | Clueless | Overall ]
- The Global Awards for Excellence in Web Design
- Presented for acheivement in the following twelve categories: [ Best Overall Site | Best Commercial Site | Best Educational Site | Best Non-profit Site | Most Innovative Site | Best Use of Netscape extensions | Best Search Engine | Best group Home page | Best Web Newsletter / E-zine | Best use of graphics | Most useful Commercial Site | Most useful Educational Site ]
Some people have nothing better to do all day than to surf the `net and find the best site. Fortunately that means you don't have to spend that kind of time and can just skim the daily cream of their searchings.
- The ever-popular list from Glenn Davis at InfiNet. The original 'cool' site of the day that started them all.
- Yahoo: Sites of the Day
- ShepWeb: Daily Site Picks
These are lists with sites ranked by popularity. What is the definition of popularity? Each site defines its own.
- The Whole Internet Catalog Top 25
- The fifty most-accessed resource description pages in the Whole Internet Catalog over the past week.
- WebCrawler Top 25
- A list of the most frequently linked URLs on the Web based on those documents that have been visited by the WebCrawler.
- Point Communication --> Most Visited
- The ten most-accessed resource description pages in the Point Survery over the past week.
Here are collections of great pages. Most any web site has a list of what they think are other worthy web sites.
- The High Five Award Page
- Excellence in Web Page design. By David Siegel. "Promoting Fine Design and High Style on the Web for the benefit of surfers all over the world. A well designed Web site is a rarity. We encourage designers to sweat the details and banish the garbage. Good design wins!"
- The Top Sites of the Web
- Point Communication Corporation has their entire site geared towards rating other sites. Sites graded on a scale of 0-50 by Content, Presentation and Experience. Beautiful images, with also the capability for text-only display.
- Webaholics Home Page
- Scroll down the page to see the Legendary Links. Don't forget the Webaholics Top 50 Links List or pass up the old Webaholics Cool Links List
- What's Cool?
- From the Netscape cool team (who already supply the coolest Web Browser). A couple of lines of explanation with each link.
- COOL links
- From the yahoos that curate the Yahoo index. Look to the sunglasses for the cool of the cool.
- Best of the Web
- More Yahoolery. An index of 'Best of' sites.
- c|net best of the Web
- Sites have a 1 to 5 rating with a detailed explanation. Organized by category and nicely put together.
- Cool Spots
- "This is a list of sites which 20/20 Technologies considers well designed, interesting, or just downright fun." Catgories: art - cuisine - education - games - genealogy - government - magazines - movies - music - shopping online - sports - television - religion. Includes a 1 to 4 star rating system.
- Links Ahoy!
- If nothing else, the pirate theme (avoiding arachnoreferences) is quite cool. Categorized and explainized.
- What's Hot and Cool
- Some of Jon's recent web wanderings with a short review and description. Interactive! Choose between short, medium, or long explanations. Through the wonder of Perl, you can customize this list so you see only the items you want and any new items! Or check out all the 284+ links.
- The All-in-One Cool Sites Page
- Hey! They're trying to do the same thing I have on this page!
- Arts & Farces Picks (Best of the Web)
- "This page carries links to the best World Wide Web servers we've found on the Internet. Rather than include links to every HTTP server, we've organized the best of the best by subject category."
- The Spiffo Links
- "There are few World Wide Web links which The BOB(c) can truthfully call Spiffo. These are the lucky few. Prepare to be entertained, informed, and baffled." Unfortunately displayed on a decidedly non-spiffo background. Another excellent product of BOB(c)WEB
- Hot Sites
- From Amdahl: Netsurfing Resources, Interesting Places, Goldmines, Etcetera.
- The Awesome Lists
- Includes the Truly Awesome and the merely Awesome. No link explanations, unfortunately. Two alphabetical lists with a Lycos search form wedged between them.
- GEnie's HotSpots
- "Each Tuesday and Friday, look for new places to delight your fancy or intrigue your mind as new sites are picked from the vast resources of the Web." No graphics, and each page looks like it would fit on a 24x80 terminal. But fast!
- Cool Entrances to the Web
- Maintained by Matthew Ryan. Very short and sweet. Just the opposite of....:
- Cool Places
- On the Spider's Web. Over 600 links in a 50K+ file. Can be slow to load. Primarily link names, but brief explanation on some of the links.
There are simply some Web locations that stand out heads above the rest. These places are unique and way cool. With new browser and CGI capabilities blooming, these sites may seem a bit old hat, but they were forerunners in their field and when first came out, everyone said Wow...!
- Southern California Real-time Traffic Report
- What is the fastest way home? See current freeway conditions
- Robotic Tele-Excavation
- Interact with the real world at USC. Move the arm, uncover artifacts
- Interactive On-Line Geometry
- Very interesting graphical geometries. Escher would be drooling
- URouLette
- Spin the wheel—Who knows what URL you'll end up at
- Live Action Fish Cam
- You need Netscape 1.1 to see the fish actually swim around!
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