These pages are being kept for archive purposes. The new, refined, and (hopefully) up-to-date pages pages have been taken with tender loving care to <>. Please head over to their new home!

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to San Digeo TheatreSports

You can use this feedback form for questions, comments, suggestions, bug reports, complaints, or whatever issue you would like to discuss. (But please, we're tired of all the OJ stuff. Talk about that with you neighbor.)

Forms-Capable Browser Required

If there are no fields below for you to type into, you need to upgrade your Web Browser to one capable of supporting forms. In the meantime, other methods of contacting us are at the bottom of this page.

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           Your Name:  (e.g. Joe User)
  Your Email Address:  (e.g.


        Message Body:

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Thank you for your comments!

Besides using the above interface, you can always call our hotline, 619-465-SHOW (that's 619-465-7469). You could also write to the following address:
San Diego TheatreSports
c/o 5157 Biltmore St.
San Diego, CA 92117
or send e-mail to <defunct> (Note that this is not the owner of TheatreSports -- that honor is (TM) Keith Johnstone -- it is the owner of the TheatreSports Mailing List).

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This archived page originally created by "Jeff Shepherd" - <>
Last updated: 2/12/97, rendered 6/17/02 using Frontier 5 and BBEdit on a Macintosh