Weekly Quotes 9541

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Go to bed.  Whatever you're staying up late for isn't worth it.
    -- Andrew A. Rooney

Never trust anyone who wants what you've got.  Friend or no, envy is an
overwhelming emotion.
    -- Blythe Holbrooke

If you have been tempted into evil, fly from it.  it is not falling into
the water, but lying in it, that drowns
    -- Author Unknown

Make not the sauce till you have caught the fish.
    -- English Proverb

Perish discretion when it interferes with duty.
    -- Hannah More

Keep your faith in all beautiful things; in the sun when it is hidden,
in the Spring when it is gone.
    -- Roy R. Gilson

Whenever you fall, pick something up.
    -- Oswald Avery

As novices, we think we're entirely responsible for the way people treat
us.  I have long since learned that we are responsible only for the way
we treat people.
    -- Rose Lane

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