Curated by Jeff Shepherd - <>
There's nothing like a good daily quote. The only problem is the headers required to distribute the quotes each day are longer than the quotes themselves. The solution? Batch them up in weekly bundles. Thus was started the distribution known as the Weekly Quotes.The best quotes challenge you and cause you to reevaluate your condition. They enlighten you, teach you, and stretch you a bit. Above all they need to be positive and encourage improvement. That is the motive behind the Weekly Quotes and what you will find in here. (Okay, okay! Nobody is perfect. Every now and then I stray from the 'official' format and throw in something humorous, dance-related, or simply signifigant to my life at the time. It is my archive and what use is being the moderator if you don't get to bend the rules once in a while?)
The Weekly Quotes distribution was established in 1994. Originally they went out to the alt.quotations newsgroup. Starting week 15 I decided to adopt a "Baker's Dozen" generosity and include a bonus quote. A "Sayer's Septet" as it were. When the original Quotations Listserver was established (May `94), Weekly Quotes were there helping the vanguard. With the arrival of loQtus (special thanks to Jason Newquist) they found an archive home where everyone could access them. At the start of `95 George Osner made them available to the Gopher community via AInet. Almost simultaneously with George's efforts, I was able to push my local webspace beyond our firewall and make ShepWeb available (including the Weekly Quotes). The original Quotations Listserver went away for a while and two sprung up to replace it: The Quotations E-mail List (moderated by Frodo Baggins), and the Serial Quotations Mailing List (moderated by myself).
The Weekly Quotes are posted Monday to:They are also archived at
- alt.quotations (newsgroup)
- Serial Quotations Mailing List
- The Weekly Quotes - The official archive! (http)
- AInet: jeffs.weekly.quotes (gopher)
As much as I would like to take credit for the collection, the folks at Franklin Quest Co. are the ones who have done the footwork. I merely grab them out of my Day Planner. The Bonus Quotes quite often come from To Your Success cards by Compendium, Inc., though I toss in others when I am moved on a particular subject. You will have to depend on those two companies for the accuracy of the quote and attribution. On my end, it is possible I have made a transcription error, so feel free to contact me via e-mail for corrections and/or comments.Enjoy!
- Jeff -
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